Mi., 21. Aug.
|Landgoed Zonheuvel
The power of synthesis in times of polarisation 2019, August 21 - 25, Doorn, The Netherlands Full Program and Registration: http://summerschool.gr8.com/
Zeit & Ort
21. Aug. 2019, 17:00
Landgoed Zonheuvel, Amersfoortseweg 98, 3941 EP Doorn, Niederlande
Über die Veranstaltung
The power of synthesis in times of polarisation
2019, August 21 - 25, Doorn, The Netherlands
We are living in times of polarisation between different ideas, groups and cultures. A time where we seem to be building physical and psychological walls to “protect our way of living”.
Could Psychosynthesis contribute to a world where differences are accepted or even celebrated? Could we help to invoke a change in perception so diversity may become an asset instead of a threat?
Full Program and Registration: http://summerschool.gr8.com/